Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oh, Snap!

Do you ever shrug and put your name on a wait list just for kicks but don't really expect your name to ever float to the top? Yeah, well it happened to me.

A few months ago I was thinking about how I miss attending conferences like I did in college, such as Small Sat. (Hi, my name is Heather and I'm a nerd.) Anyway, small satellite design isn't really a part of my life anymore, so I was checking around to see if there was a DIY home decorator's conference. That search landed me at this post on The House of Smiths where I was introduced to SNAP! Conference.

From their website
Welcome to SNAP, where you’ll find creativity at your fingertips.
There is something a bit different about being a creative blogger…Instead of dissecting life and examining the pieces like many online writers, we’re busy dreaming, sharing and building things up.
We inspire one another and when we connect in ways that comfort and sustain, it is something truly extraordinary.
That is why we launched SNAP – a community where imaginative bloggers can come together; learn from one another and walk away invigorated.
The hallmark of this community? A three-day conference April 18-20, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah, targeting the best bloggers representing modern handmade, contemporary craft, mind-blowing events and DIY.
Take a step away from your busy life and join us for lots of laughter, hugging and replenishment. You’ll walk away with a stronger sense of community, enhanced skills and an even greater sense of self.
Let's see...
Home decorating? Check.
DIY? Check.
Blogging? Check.
Entertaining? Check.
Close enough to home to travel? Check.

It was completely sold out, of course, but I figured what the heck? Might as well put my name on the wait list. I didn't expect anything to come of it. How very wrong I was.

Two weeks ago I received an email informing me that I had a slot if I wanted it and to act quickly before this opportunity became a fading memory. After reading the email, I fretted and bit my lip for a while. Money... travel... two little boys... Aaahh!

Fortunately that's about when my amazing, incredible husband stepped in. He quietly told me to go for it and not expect anything else for my birthday next year. I reminded him of how unworthy (and lucky) I am of having a spouse like him.

Long story short? I have my ticket and will be attending SNAP! 2013 next spring. I hope I can make some friends to hang out with while I'm there since, as it stands, I won't know a soul when I show up. Here's to life's little adventures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was so nice to meet you at the Queen Bee Market night, Heather! Cute blog! I just followed you all over on social media. If you would like to be added to a Colorado Blogging group and another big craft/DIY blogging group then "friend" me on FB and I can get you added!

Sarah Westover McKenna
Craft Quickies