Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hall Makeover: The Beginning

I came up with a hair-brained scheme for an improvement to the hall right inside the garage door of our house. There is a coat closet right there for jackets, shoes, etc.; but with toddlers and backpacks and church bags, a rack of hooks seemed like a good option to get everyone (yes, even me) to put their stuff away upon coming inside. Besides, the little boys are too short to hang up their own coats. But according to my plan the hooks are actually the last thing to go up.

Look at me getting ahead of myself. Here is a concept drawing for my plan. (Okay, "concept drawing" might be a bit of a stretch.)

Phase 1: Paint trellis
Phase 2: Paint white below trellis
Phase 3: Paint gray above trellis (and the adjoining wall to the left)
Phase 4: Install chair rail
Phase 5: Make and hang hook rack

Last night I finished phase 1. It took a week of painting (stretched over a month), but I finally finished it.

Remind me to show you what brushes I used to paint it sometime. (Hint: they were tiny.)